Tutorial 1 and Self Study 1 | KIT207 Portfolio

Tutorial 1 and Self Study 1: KIT207
By Cailean Treloyn aka EeE

Welcome! This is my first devlog for KIT207. Compared to KIT109, we aren't starting with games directly; instead, we are doing some Blender, aka 3D modelling! (Blender is a 3D modelling program.)

I'm writing this the night before the tutorial, which I will cover after the self-study. (aka tomorrow I have to wake up at 9 am:<)

Initially, we were tasked with following a blender tutorial to get accustomed to the program. LINK to the tutorial)

Fortunately, I have some experience with Blender, so I was able to achieve this easily. It covered the basics like scaling, moving vertices, extrusion, and modifiers.

The Barrel after I was finished modelling

I should make more effort to screen shot the modelling process, I got carried away. :p

What was cool was that this tutorial covered something I'm less good at: texture painting and UV unwrapping. (This is blender jargon for basically painting a sculpture.)

UV wrap of the barrel

Normally, I would use different methods, so it was pretty interesting. Especially painting directly on the model. I only really do material-based colouring in Blender. But once I learn to import these models into Unity, I'll see which method works best for that! 
A screenshot of the process of painting onto the model.

After this, I made a final render after doing some final touches like material adjustments.

Hobart Cenotaph, which my model is based on.

(obtained from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobart_Cenotaph)

After this for Self Study 1, we were required to find a point of interest or object of interest from Hobart that we liked. I chose the Hobart cenotaph for its prominence in the local area and my life. 
Now, I used previous methods such as extruding the model, grabbing and scaling using hotkeys. I am particularly bad at texturing and accounting for UV unwrapping, which caused me a whole bunch of grief. I tried my fallback methods of texturing, such as assigning individual materials like metallic and glossy materials, as well as texturing using built-in generated textures.

It's of dubious quality, so I decided to make a simpler rendition and then texture-paint it like the tutorial. I used a Wacom tablet to draw this model, and the UV unwrapping isn't the best, so it looks pretty shoddy comparatively. I'll try both and see which is best for Unity.

In the end, I decided to use the simpler model. This proved much easier to import into Unity. Speaking of which, for tutorial 1, we needed to import our models into a Unity project. I initially struggled to get the textures for my barrel to apply; in the end, I had to do it manually. After that, I placed it in the cenotaph, which had automatically been textured after I told Unity where to get the textures.

After this, I grabbed some free models from a website called Poly Pizza. This included a pine tree, which looked close to the ones at the domain grounds. (Althoughh smaller). I then found another model, which was the Gundam because I like giant robots, and I thought it was cool that I could import one. I then added a 3D plane and coloured it to sorta look like grass.

I struggled a bit with the texturing, hopefully, I will get better at it. Especially If I make game models. Next up is Self Study and Tute 2, on animation. Heres hoping I don't bungle it.


Pine Tree by Danni Bittman [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza
MS Gundam RX-78-2 with weapons by Tipatat Chennavasin [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza

Pine Tree Danni Bittman [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza

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