Week 5.B Devlog: Game Testing and Peer Review | Escape From The M'lon Factory

 Game Testing and Feedback, the road to polish!


(ReUploaded for Ordering and reformatting.)

This week in the class we conducted a very large, and indepth engaging peer review of each others games. For my game, I used this form: https://forms.gle/ckaEENzbp5ykxgig9 (taken with a much earlier build then current).

Here are some key take aways:

I got an average score of around 3.35714285714. (3.3 for simplicity). This is just above half, why is this? They liked the art which had a majority 5+ score.  And the Obstacles were recieved positively.

One of the Major Concerns is Movement (its a main focus)

This averaged out to around a score of 2.8.

Why is Movement Bad?

  • Jumpy
  • Side to Side is incredible fast
  • Floaty Very Floaty
  • Too much accelleration
  • Physics is off.

Other Concerns (And Addtions they might like) :

  • Feels hard
  • No sense of progression acomplishment
  • No Menu
  • No Incentive
  • Obstacle Inconsitence/ Spawnrate
  • Add variety to Obstacles
  • Clean Up of Animations
  • Add more assets for background, enemies, effects, etc
  • Restart Option
  • Difficulty Scaling

The aim will be to take these in, and improve on the game in the last Week 6 - Addtions and Game Polish

Week 6 will be a long one, so sit tight!

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